Can You Become Rich Gambling

Gambling addiction is a horrible silent addiction that can become progressively worse. If you or someone you love has a gambling problem, an effort to stop gambling should start as soon as possible. A severe gambling problem is usually progressive, and can become worse over time if not stopped. Slots gambling addiction, pokies, video lottery.

  1. Gambling is bad thing and most of the time those who run this game in their premises are not there to do charity for the customer. This is absolutely wrong idea and hardly any one can become rich by gambling and all the rest are sure to have loss. Forget the richness idea.
  2. Now, you get your name and face in a book and are never allowed back.-That said, a lot of people have become rich by playing poker, as has been mentioned. While poker is a gambling game, you are playing against opponents and not the house. Therefore, a good player can expect to get a high return of investment from his money.
  3. By 2020, you'd still be sitting on $1.37 million, thanks to those 34 shares of Microsoft you bought in 1986. And that doesn't even include your cash dividends. Whether it's a beachfront property acquired in Malibu 50 years ago or shares of Coca-Cola bought in the 1960s, a well-constructed portfolio can tolerate incredible doses of failure while.
Can you become rich gambling money

Gambling has been part of the world system almost since the creation of the world.

In the earlier days of our existence on the planet earth, human beings usually desire to know future, so they result into divination. Some others had to use lot or dice to decide which is wrong or right.

Bible has some traces of how people used lot to divide properties, i.e., the soldiers who used lot to decide who will go with Jesus` clothes.

Either dice or lot, there was never certainty.

As human race advanced, gambling too got advanced.

Now to 21 century. Gambling has grown up in wing. Now every single day, millions of naira are wasted and gained through gambling.

So many people who will read this tutorial are gamblers, especially football gambling.

I have earlier written a tutorial where I explained 5 reasons why I hate football and one of those reasons is because football makes gambling more popular.

Football has become the most popular hobby of man (did I call it hubby or a time water?), so you`ll see many online portals which are specialized on football bet.

Our question is, can you become rich through gambling?

The answer is… NO. it`s not possible.

The first time I was exposed to gambling was when I was around 13/14. I continued in the act and grew in addiction.

At a point in time when my father gave me money to pay for my WAEC examination, I gambled with it and nearly lost all the money I wanted to use for my examination.

I have also managed a gambling business alongside with my step-brother, then I saw who actually is making money through gambling… the owner of the game (or online portal) you use to place bet.


Take for instance, there was a game we usually call Snocker when I was a boy. I will be in charge as people come and play. Along the line some of them will place bet. Let`s say they are betting with #100 each, I may charge #20 as my on commission.

Can you become rich gambling money

Both of them are gambling so they cannot tell who can win, but I was not gambling. I would always get my own interest… 20%

So think about what usually happen.

Mr. A wins the first game, Mr. B wins the second and third game. Mr. A wins the fourth game. On and on like that. A will win, B will win.

At the end of the day if they had play 20 games, they might have won 13/7. Though Mr. A would be happy of winning more bet than his opponent, they are still coming back tomorrow. When they came the next day, it might be the time of Mr. B to score 15/5.

A may win today and B win tomorrow, the only person who doesn`t lose is the owner of the game or the portal.

That is why gamblers cannot be rich through gambling.

If you win today you will lose tomorrow.

The primary motivator of gambling is call Mr. Covetousness.

When people think there could be a way to make money without work, that`s covetousness.

In fact, I recently read a comment on facebook from someone who claimed that gambling is good because gambling is just like acquiring shares of a company.

Can One Become Rich Through Sports Betting

Is that true?


Acquiring a company`s share is like partnering with that company to do business. Everybody in Nigeria can acquire share and make money because we are doing business.

Gambling is not business. It`s a kind of “collect from K and give to M stuff”. Someone must lose in gambling for another person to gain. This is not so in the case of acquiring share.

When I replied that man on facebook, I went to the spiritual aspect of this deadly, addictive habit (you know I am an evangelist), but I will not want to do that here.

The summary of it all is, you cannot become a millionaire through gambling. If you have being gambling before, you understand what I am saying… you`ll lose one day and win another.

Some internet “guru” are out there promising that they can teach you how to make millions through football betting. If it were real, they would never have told you their “secret”.

Can one become rich through sports betting

How should I round off this tutorial?

Can You Become Rich Gambling Rich

Ok, let me preach to you.

Never go into gambling. If you`re already a gambler, repent.

The surest way to make money is to be a business owner.

Read every post on this website and learn how to start and run a successful business.

Can You Get Rich Sports Betting

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Can You Become Rich Gambling Money

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